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JACOsub Quick Reference
This document serves as a brief summary to JScripts.doc. Refer to
JScripts.doc for complete details.
# (followed by a space) Comment. The line will be ignored.
#C[LOCKPAUSE] <time>
Force clock to pause at time specified while playing. Keypress resumes.
#D[IRECTIVE][n] <directive string>
Change default directive n. n=0 (overall directive) if n omitted.
n may range from 0 to 9.
#F[ONT] <n> <fontname.font> <h> [CLEAN or QUICK&DIRTY] [Y/X]
Set font n to fontname.font, h pixels tall. n may range from 0 to 9.
Mono fonts are always QUICK&DIRTY (rendered fast).
For face colors other than 3, color fonts default to CLEAN (rendered
one character at a time), unless QUICK&DIRTY is specified.
Y/X is used to change the aspect ratio from 1/1 (AmigaDOS 2.0+).
#I[NCLUDE] <time> <filename>
Include script file <filename> into the current script, offsetting
the new script's start time by the time specified. Offset cannot be
negative. Offset units depend on time units set by #TIMERES.
#F, #P, #Q, and #R in an included script will be ignored.
The effects of #D, #S, and #T are passed down into included scripts.
#P[ALETTE] <color> <r> <g> <b> [palette]
For specified color register, set RGB intensities (0 to 15). palette
defaults to 0 (primary palette), but may be 0 through 9. Use palettes
1 - 9 with the CP directive.
Eliminate timing gaps between subtitles of less than n time units.
Number of time units per second is specified by #TIMERES.
#R[AMP] <seconds.units>
Adjust script play for time drift by changing the script's overall
running time. Positive ramp adjustments lengthen the play, negative
adjustments shorten it. Time units are determined by #TIMERES.
#S[HIFT] <[[hours:]minutes:]seconds.units>
Shift all times in script by the amount specified. Positive shifts
delay time events, negative shifts advance them.
#T[IMERES] <n>
Set time resolution of script to n units per second. Default is 30
if this command does not appear in the script.
\ Concatenate. Assume next line in script continues current title.
Leading and trailing spaces in concatenated lines are ignored.
\n Newline. Use to split a title text into multiple lines. \n codes
override wordwrapping, but the resulting text substrings might still
be individually wordwrapped if needed.
\{ Display a left brace, which is normally used to begin a non-displaying
comment embedded in the title.
\~ Display a tilde, which is normally used to create a "hard" non-
wrappable space.
\\ Display a backslash, which is normally used to begin an escape code.
\N Normal. Display text that follows in "normal" style. Equivalent to
the SN directive.
\I Italics. Display text that follows in italics. Equivalent to the SI
\B Boldface. Display text that follows in boldface (sometimes useful).
Equivalent to the SB directive.
\U Underline. Underline text that follows (not useful). Equivalent to
the SU directive.
Note: /N, /I, /B, and /U are mutually exclusive.
\Cn Color n. Use face color n for text that follows. n is a hexadecimal
digit ranging from 0 to 9 and A to F (or a to f). Equivalent to the
CF directive.
\Fn Font n. Use font n (0 to 9) for text that follows. Equivalent to the
F directive.
Directives occur after the stop time is specified. You may omit the title
directive if you title begins with a non-alphabet character (such as a left
brace for a {comment}), in which case the directive defaults to D.
Vertical positioning
Vertical continuation Above previous title, using previous title's
vertical positioning setting. Opposite of VU.
Vertical Bottom, offset from bottom of display by n pixels. n may
be omitted (default n, usually 16, can be set with the #D command).
Vertical line Height n% of normal. VH200 makes double-spaced lines.
Vertical Line position n. Line height depends on font size. If n is
negative or omitted, vertical line position will be where the previous
timed line started.
Vertical Middle. Center vertically between VTn and VBn position.
n=0 by default, otherwise shifts block up or down n text lines.
Vertical Pixel position n. Baseline of font will be n pixels from
top of display.
Not yet implemented; doesn't do anything yet. Don't ask.
Vertical Top, offset from top of display by n pixels. n may be
omitted (default n, ususally 16, can be set with the #D command).
Vertical continuation Under previous title, using previous title's
vertical positioning setting. Opposite of VA.
Horizontal positioning
Horizontal Left margin n% of display width from left edge.
Horizontal Right margin n% of display width from right edge.
Text justification:
Justify Center. Text is centered within HLn - HRn constraints.
Justify Full. Aligns left and right edges with the ends of the
widest line in the text box. Last line in block is unaffected, except
to position it Left, Right, or Center (default), when :p is :L, :R, or
:C, respectively. JF:U means Unconditional justification -- ALL lines
in the block will be stretched to fit exactly within the margins.
Justify Left. Align left edge of text at the HLn margin position.
Justify Right. Align right edge of text at the HRn margin position.
Block justification:
Justify Block Center. Position the text, after wordrwapping, so that
it is centered within the margins, preserving the text justification.
To get "AnimEigo" positioning, use JBC with JL.
Justify Block Full. Cancel the effect of any JB directive if one
happens to be in use as a default directive.
Justify Block Left. Position the text block at the left margin.
Justify Block Right. Position the text block so that the right
edge is at the right margin, preserving the text justification.
Word wrapping:
Disable automatic word wrapping. Warning: text may overflow screen
Automatic "smart" word wrapping (default). Wrap text so that the
screen area consumed by the title is minimized.
Automatic "stupid" (generally known as "greedy") word wrapping.
Fit as much text into a line as possible without regard to appearance
or screen space consumed.
Font rendering:
Use font n (0 - 9) for the title text.
Force title to be rendered Quick&Dirty. Mono-color fonts and
colorfonts using color 3 are always quick anyway.
Force title to be rendered Clean (1 character at a time) to avoid font
shadow overlap interference problems.rendering. Mono-color fonts and
colorfonts using color 3 will still be rendered fast.
Force Default text rendering. Used to override a global #DFC or #DFF
Generate Font Outline n pixels wide, optionally use antialias color a.
Warning: This slows the program down considerably.
Generate Font Shadow in direction d (one of 8 compass directions
N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE), n pixels deep.
Font style (may also be set with \ codes in the title text):
Normal style (typical default).
Bold (using the JACOsub font, this looks best with color 3).
Underline (ugly! Not recommended).
Color Fontface n.
Color Background n. Screen is cleared to color n prior to rendering
anything to it. Useful for creating a genlock-opaque background if
n is nonzero.
Load Color Palette n (0 to 9, set with #PALETTE command) at the start
time of this title. If you can see the palette change after the
display is updated, precede your alternate palette lines with a "dummy"
short-duration blank screen (containing a hard space) using your
alternate palette.
Color Shaded box with n-pixel margin around text, using shade style :s
(:0=pattern, :1=solid color), using optional color :c (normal default
is :2 [black], can be re-set with a #D command). Titles that overlap
in time AND use the CS directive will be surrounded by a SINGLE box; if
CSL is used, a box will appear around individual lines (including
segments resulting from wordwrapping). n=0 disables shading.
Genlock fader control
Genlock Background n% of saturation in m/60 seconds. m=0 if Tm is
omitted. n=0 is a transparent background.
Genlock Graphics n% of saturation in m/60 seconds. m=0 if Tm omitted.
n=100 is full-on graphics.
Note: Do not use the G directives in the global #D command.
IFF graphic files
IL <ILBM file name> [<x offset %> <y offset %>]
Load an IFF ILBM bitmap into the video screen for the time interval
specified by this line's start and stop time. Current screen colors
will be used; the IFF colors will be ignored. x and y are percents of
screen width and height to offset the center of the bitmap from the
center of the screen. Through overlapping time ranges, as many as
40 images may be loaded onto a single screen, memory permitting.
Text can appear concurrently with the bitmaps.
IS <ILBM file name>
Load an IFF ILBM file into its own screen, using the file's own
resolution and colors. Text cannot appear concurrently.
Note: Do not use the I directives in the global #D command.
ARexx communications
RX <ARexx script name>
Execute the ARexx script name that follows the RX directive. Do not
specify other directives on the same line, and have no more than one
RX directive per time event.
Note: Do not use the RX directive in the global #D command.
Default directives
D or D0
Default 0verall. To be used if no other directives are used. The
behavior of D can be set with the #D command.
Default alternate n (1 - 9). Use these for "shortcuts" to long
directive strings that you like to use repeatedly. Set with the #D